Интересные новости из мира ML/AI: "There is no way possible that we will not have a general conversational AI in the next 10 years that can speak to any human in any language about every possible topic." https://towardsdatascience.com/did-google-duplex-beat-the-turing-test-yes-and-no-a2b87d1c9f58 "Python already had over 50% share in 2017, and increased its share to 66%, while R share has decreased for the first time since we have done this poll, and dropped to below 50%." https://www.kdnuggets.com/2018/05/poll-tools-analytics-data-science-machine-learning-results.html На этой неделе стартовал англоязычный курс от ВШЭ "Deep Learning in Computer Vision" https://www.coursera.org/learn/deep-learning-in-computer-vision "How to Implement a YOLO (v3) Object Detector from Scratch in PyTorch" https://www.kdnuggets.com/2018/05/implement-yolo-v3-object-detector-pytorch-part-1.html HiTech добрался до рейтинговых агенств? "DAIA said that initial shared projects being considered include machine learning based cybersecurity solutions, AI-driven reputation management and collaborative filtering tools specialized for decentralized networks, and logical inference engines for validating the properties of smart contracts." https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2018/05/133808-singularitynet-and-ai-decentralized-create-new-industry-group-the-decentralized-ai-alliance/

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